The MDLF Fellowship

The next generation of Hoosier leadership.

Join us for MDLF Fellowship Class VII Capstone Day!

Listen to all 25 Fellows pitch their unique Capstone projects to the MDLF Network and connect with members of the Board, Smart Network, and community.

April 25, 2025 | 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM (ET) | The Heritage Group - Indianapolis, IN


Class VII Fellows at their May 2024 Orientation with Mitch Daniels

About the Fellowship

MDLF launched the Fellows program in 2016. Since its origins, this program continues to create a statewide network of change agents who bridge the gap between Indiana’s current and future leaders. Moreover, it serves to be a space for breaking down barriers and building up innovative ideas.

The Fellows identify, promote, and apply critical thinking and action to opportunities that will make Indiana a better place to work and live. The Fellows are given access to influential people, organizations, and resources to accelerate the state's progress on key growth initiatives.

Fellows are selected by the MDLF Board based on their demonstration of leadership potential through personal and professional achievements.

The Fellowship continues to benefit emerging Indiana leaders who demonstrate the following traits:

  • A genuine intellectual interest in the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility and role of private enterprise.

  • Sufficient “real-world” experience to ensure they can meaningfully contribute to peer discussion and learnings.

  • On the career ascent and approaching an inflection point in their careers to be positioned to deliver outsized impact.

As of May 2024, the seventh Class of Fellows is underway with 141 Fellows from 27 Hoosier counties participating.

The Fellowship is a 2-year commitment with a new cohort of Fellows selected each spring.

Year 1: Enable Leaders

The first half of the Fellows program consists of a one-year curriculum that educates Indiana’s future leaders on the successes of the past and opportunities and challenges of the future. Areas of study include Indiana’s performance in healthcare, education, economic development, and civic participation.

Each topic is conducted over the course of three event types:

1) Lectures - An opportunity for Fellows to hear from leaders around the state about the state of the relevant topic in regard to Indiana as a whole with a particular focus on existing problems and challenges the State of Indiana faces today.

2) Socratic-Style Discussions - Hosted in partnership with and at Liberty Fund, these unique events foster an environment for Fellows to discuss and dive deeper into the “why” behind current, existing, and future endeavors on various topics.

3) Case Studies - Pulling from a library of initiatives throughout the career of Mitch Daniels, the Fellows learn to interpret, translate, and implement various innovations and reforms - and apply them with a bias towards action.

These events take place once a month, generally on a Friday, from 10:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET. Locations vary each session as we strive to give Fellows an experience across the State of Indiana. Some examples of past locations include: Indianapolis, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, West Lafayette and South Bend.

Year 2: Drive Change

At the conclusion of Year 1, the current class of Fellows will each propose a project/initiative that they believe will measurably improve life in Indiana. We call these Capstones. This is an open-ended challenge, and Fellows are encouraged to be creative in both the problem and their proposed solution. However, they are instructed to follow one of Four Lanes:

Lane 1: Level Up an Existing Initiative

  • Taking an existing initiative to the next level to enhance impact.

Lane 2: Traditional ‘Capstone’

  • Starting a new initiative to drive positive change and impact.

Lane 3: Policy Paper & Implementation Plan

  • Development of an impactful policy (or set of policy) recommendations and an accompanying implementation plan.

Lane 4: Public Service*

  • Meaningful participation in public service.

These Fellows then are granted one year to put their Capstone to the test - implementing it within their communities.

*Do note, per IRS regulations of a 501c3, MDLF is prohibited from: “directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office”.

Continuing Involvement

In addition to our Year 1 and Year 2 events, MDLF hosts a variety of network-wide events including the Aiming Higher speaker series, the Annual Event, socials, and various other events.

Alumni of the Fellowship continue to be a part of the MDLF network. Past Fellows may be (and are) included on MDLF’s Board of Directors, staff, or committees.

Interested in the Fellowship or Have Questions?

If you are interested in applying for Class VIII - applications will open in January 2025.

The best way to learn more about the Fellowship program in action is through our Monthly Newsletter. There you will hear about the class events that month, a blog about the class from a current Fellow, and various other happenings with MDLF! Here is a link to current Fellows’ blogs and a link to sign up for the newsletter.

Should you have any other questions, please contact MDLF’s Membership Director, Kelsey Cook.

MDLF Fellowship Recruitment Video 2022